Updated Mobility Printing for MAC and PC

Good morning all, 

Over the past couple of days, we’ve seen a growing number of helpdesk tickets come in requesting the ability to print to the Kyocera copiers in each building from personal devices via the secure print queue.  I wanted to send this message out to everyone to let you know that you currently have that ability via a self-service web portal which will walk you through the process of setting up these printers on your personal computers.

You can access the self-service web portal via the exact URL below so please copy/paste this into your web browser of choice:

Be aware that in order for you to be able to access the URL that I’ve provided, you MUST be connected to one of our networks at any of our campuses.  This URL will NOT work if you’re at home, connected to a local Comcast Wi-Fi hotspot, etc.

Since most of you are requesting the ability to print from your personal Windows/Macintosh device, then you should be connected to the ‘CamdenCSN-Staff-Wifi-Mist’ wireless network within your respective building.  If you currently do not have access to this wireless network, then please send in a helpdesk ticket to help@camdencsn.org so that the tech team can get you sorted out.

When you do connect to the self-service URL, you should see a web page similar to what I’ve provided below.  The web portal will try to detect the operating system that you’re connecting from and then will provide you the correct download that will need to be installed on your device in order for you to print to the secure print queue.  You will need local admin privileges on your personal device in order to be able to install this application which you should already have.  After running the installer on your device, you should see three new print queues on it.  One of them will be named ‘secure print’ so please choose this printer when sending your print jobs.

In the event that you are prompted for a username/password when you print, please use your full email address and the password that you use in order to access your school email.  Everything else functions the exact same way…head to the Kyocera copier of your choice, provide your pin code, and release your print jobs.

Creation date: 9/9/2021 3:03 PM      Updated: 12/21/2022 10:30 AM
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