Process for Fines, Offenses, and Issuing New Chromeboooks

Creation date: 6/8/2023 10:38 AM    Updated: 6/8/2023 11:20 AM   121 damage fine follett lost offense realtime
The following  is the process for damaged Chromebooks.

Check in damaged Chromebook (Follett).

Place offense (and fine on offending student).
Enter offense with Jitbit ticket link on Follett.

Put fine (if applicable).
Enter fine amount and Jitbit link/offense number in Realtime (under fines).

When entering info in Jitbit ticket be thorough add students ID number and Asset Tag and S/N of all devices involved.

(If fine is paid) Check out new Chromebook (Follett)

(if in warranty) 

If a student turns in a Chromebook or charger that isn't theirs it counts as a lost Chromebook/charger.

Fine Amounts


1st offense (forever ie. damage in 8th grade first offense damage in 10th grade 2nd offense)

2nd offense $50

3rd offense $110 (lost Chromebook also)

4th offense $310 (full cost of Chromebook)

Chargers :

Lost Charger $38